Smelling The Roses
Leadership & Coaching Programmes
You can’t approach leadership with a paint by numbers approach. Leaders become great when they draw on the full spectrum of their own unique abilities. Moving someone along that path to behaviour change requires a skilled coach. Someone who can quickly interpret the individual thought processes and issues at play.
Our coaches are all qualified psychologists or ILM Level 7 certified executive coaches, trained by founder Ros Taylor, herself a Clinical Psychologist and Business Professor specialising in leadership at Strathclyde University.
Everyone on the team brings high level business insight and experience. We adopt a ‘whole person’ approach. We look at personality traits, strengths, weaknesses and current work style, but also wider career aspirations and work/life balance in order to bring about successful and lasting behaviour change.
We use scientifically robust tools and psychological techniques combined with high level business insight to unlock the very best in everyone.