
Ego? No it’s all about the business

Years ago as part of my mission to discover the top skills required to become a successful CEO for my book Fast Track to the Top, I interviewed the late Sir Richard Greenbury.

He was coming to the end of his career as CEO of Marks and Spencer but kindly gave of his time to complete assessments and chat to me at his headquarters in Baker Street. We were walking down the sweeping staircase when he made clear to me that I must refrain from writing the kind of book that lauded the ability to scramble to the top at all costs.

This simply doesn’t work as all around will just resent you, he said. He was so exercised by this that he shouted after me as I walked down the street that it should never be about the individual, their expectations or desire for promotion but all about what they can do for the business.

Cut to a leadership programme in Gothenburg. A quiet woman sat to my right, an accountant in a pharmaceutical company, as I recounted this story.

When she returned to work, she noticed there were 3 areas in her department that were poorly served and quality was slipping. She wrote 3 proposals about how these areas could be improved, never mentioning her role. When we met up again she told me she had been offered 3 promoted posts and required help in deciding which to take.

So during Ego Awareness day, look around, suggest what could improve your business or service and how you might help.

So it’s not about you and your ego but what you can do for the business.

Published On: May 11th, 2023

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