Fast track to the top – turn aspiring into inspiring

Being a leader is a complex job. You’re expected to have sufficient charisma and capabilities to grapple and succeed with every new challenge sent your way. No wonder those rising through the ranks can find it so difficult to settle into a comfortable stride after a new promotion, or when faced with a wider remit. The programme is about teasing out and shaping potential. It gives aspiring leaders the self-awareness and skills to make full use of their abilities. Armed with the tools to lead, you give your best people the chance to make a defining contribution to the success of your organisation.

What makes this programme a game-changer for your organisation?

  • Empower your aspiring leaders: Help them develop greater resilience to deal with business challenges and become more innovative in their approach to problem-solving and inspiring teams.
  • Release latent potential: Give your high-performing individuals the tools to navigate leadership challenges with skill and confidence.
  • Cultivate the right culture: Those who feel challenged and rewarded are more productive, more creative and less likely to leave.
  • The ripple effect: Set a standard for leadership you can benchmark and measure.

“Really good enthusiastic, knowledgeable and insightful trainer with the ability to encourage peer to peer learning in the group. I would highly recommend this masterclass series.”

Director – Private Sector

What advantages will our programme give your senior managers?

  • Self-awareness
  • Understanding of their own leadership style and those of others
  • Greater confidence
  • Stronger strategic capabilities
  • Handling difficult people and situations skillfully Creative problem-solving
  • Strong skills relating and communicating with others An ability to manage stress
  • Peer networking opportunities
  • Understanding the art of team-building

For further details and to see the full programme outline, please complete the form below.

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Smelling The Roses
20 Grosvenor Crescent
Edinburgh EH12 5EL

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