
Autumn is my least favourite season as I grieve outgoing summer.

The antidote was a Smelling the Roses team trip to Newhaven on the newly extended tram with a coffee at Jane’s suggested Porto and Fi.

We were seated at a large window table which could happily house 8. We noticed many people on their own – we counted 7 singletons who were taking up tables for 4 as larger parties were turned away.

So the morning’s chat was around how to reorganise the café.
Why not put our large table in the centre so that people on their own could choose to mingle and perhaps talk to each other. Not for everyone of course but for those who desire a bit of social diversion that option could be supplied.

As a coach I have talked to many clients recently who work at home alone, crash after a 12 hour shift online to watch TV, go to bed then repeat…. Loneliness is rampant.

For those in offices their only socialising might still be at work so supplying comfortable places to sit and chat during breaks becomes essential as a major focus post pandemic is on good mental health.

I remember talking to Steve an eminent scientist who recounted that when his company put sofas and coffee makers on each floor in between departments not only did the scientists mingle socially much more but the chat led to the sharing of ideas from different departments, creativity increased, problems were solved and best practice implemented. All for the price of a coffee machine and a couch!

So Porto and Fi, if you are reading this, get that big table moved to the centre and watch people connect.

Published On: October 18th, 2023

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Edinburgh EH12 5EL

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